Dental Imaging Olive Tree Est is leading dental equipment supplier in Lebanon. Ray Scan Studio 5-in-1 Solution transforms real patient 3D diagnostic information By providing a wide field of view of 20 * 20 and face scan, we offer virtual patient for a wide range of patient diagnosis and treatment. 20×20 FOV, 3D Virtual patient, Smile design, Patient face scan ,Cone beam CT, CT Impression scan, Panorama, Cephalometric Imaging Plate Scan System Digital imaging plate system RIOScan reads and converts x-ray data, taken on an imaging plate, into digital image which can be sent and viewed from PCs. It will change the way how your practice works in many aspects by giving comfort to patients as well as easy of use, convenient workflow, and high image quality. Flexible and Reusable Size 0~3 & 4,Touch screen & Preview IntraOral Imaging Sensor Digitalize your intraoral examination with RIOSensor. Streamline workflow with high-resolution digital images. Ergonomic design, Plug and Use, Durability Size 1, 2, Outstanding images